My short mystery story, “An Actor Prepares” has been published in WHERE CRIME NEVER SLEEPS: Murder New York Style 4 (Level Best Books.) This marvelous anthology is edited by Elizabeth Zelvin, and includes stories from the members of the NY/Tri-State Chapter of Sisters in Crime. Hope you’ll check it out!

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You can pick up your copy on Amazon, or request it wherever books are sold!

Upcoming Play Productions

  • My short guillotine comedy LOVE AT FIRST SLICE will be produced at the Short & Sweet Festival in Brisbane, Australia, August 2-5. The production will be directed by Jay Bloodsworth.  CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION.


  • My short play FROSTBITE will be produced by the Seoul Players in Seoul, South Korea as part of their 7th Annual 10-Minute Play Festival this Fall! More information to come soon
  • My short mystery story “An Actor Prepares” has been accepted for publication in WHEN CRIME NEVER SLEEPS (Murder New York Style 4), the fourth crime fiction anthology by members of the New York Tristate Chapter of Sisters in Crime, which should be out September 2017.

