Jackie Nastri Bardenwerper Shares Her Thoughts on Inspiration

First, I wanted to thank Nina for having me on her blog. I am so excited to be today’s guest blogger!

When Nina first asked me to write a guest post, she mentioned that I focus on how I am inspired by the water. And that makes sense. My first book is set on an island (lots of water!), my second has a couple beach scenes, and my current work-in-progress once again focuses on a beachside town. So obviously I’ve got a thing for the ocean.

Yet when I sat down and really starting thinking about what inspires me, I realized that while I do find myself happiest writing stories that focus on the beach (perhaps in homage to the summers I spent sailing and swimming on Long Island Sound), all my true inspiration for my characters comes from music.

Now first, I am a huge country music fan. Growing up I listened to my fair share of pop and hip hop but connected most with classic rock. It wasn’t until college that I was introduced to country and fell in love with not only the genre but Kenny Chesney. Or at least his music. And he has this one song called “I Go Back” where the whole premise is that hearing different songs can take us back to different moments in our lives. And that’s how I feel about music when I’m writing. Only I’m not reliving my life, but creating the lives of my characters.

Most of my story ideas have come to me with music on in the background. With my first book, On the Line, I fell in love with Just Fishin’ by Trace Adkins, a song about a father fishing with his daughter. Every time I heard it, I’d think of Piper, of the relationship she shared with her dad, and how that would make her react when she was presented with opportunities to disobey him, bend the truth, etc.

While working on Populatti, I was going through a pre-pop Taylor Swift phase, which provided me with plenty of angst to work with. During so many of her songs, all I’d have to do is close my eyes and I would see the main character Livi standing there, trying to decide what to do about her friends.

And that’s why I think music really is what inspires me. Because when the right song comes on, I don’t need to think any more about what to write, or what path my characters should take. The music brings them to life, making them so real I can see them in my head and hear the words they’re saying, almost as if their memories were mine.

So while I think characters who love the ocean will always be on my list of favorite people to write about, I don’t think I could breathe life into them without the soundtrack that’s constantly going through my head. Because it’s the music that really brings the emotion to the surface, allowing me to capture whatever my characters are feeling. And ensuring I feel every joy, pain and triumph right along with them.

Jackie Natstri Bardenwerper is the author of the YA novels On the Line and Populatti. Find out more about Jackie and her books at www.jnbwrite.com.



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One Response to Jackie Nastri Bardenwerper Shares Her Thoughts on Inspiration

  1. Mirka Breen says:

    Water & music… Lovely inspiration posts. Funny how creative people have anchors, and when we reflect we realize they are present in all our stories.