I have always been intrigued by all things other worldly: supernatural, mythological, invisible, superhuman. It is a great deal of fun to imagine and read about  parallel worlds, mythical creatures, and the unfathomable. In fact, my current WIP is a paranormal romance-thriller. This week I am excited to welcome Alice J. Black, author of The Doors, a YA supernatural mystery (Fire & Ice YA, November 2014), to Not Even Joking.

Who is the main character in The Doors? What is she like?

Amanda is the main character of The Doors. She’s moved from a life she knows to Godfrey Hall and instantly hates it. But she’s tenacious and when strange things start happening in her new home; she’s determined to find out the cause of it as well as the history of the house. Amanda is dedicated, hard working and curious.

What would Amanda choose for her last meal?

Amanda would probably have something like pizza for her last meal. Her parents constantly make her eat her vegetables which aren’t her favourite!

How about you? What would you choose for your last meal?

For my last meal, I would have to have a Sunday dinner complete with beef, vegetables, roast potatoes and Yorkshire puddings. Yum!

Why should someone bite into The Doors?

The Doors is a young adult novel that deals with issues that a normal teenager may go through during their adolescence, but also has a strong twist of the supernatural. Amanda finds herself enthralled by a mystery that takes over her life and one that only she can see. The world behind the mosaic in the dining room is something that none have seen for over a hundred years, yet one that Amanda’s actions are leading her towards.

Do you have a recipe you’d like to share?

I have an undeniable sweet tooth and I just learned a recipe from an online website for cookie dough. I never thought it was possible but it is the tastiest treat to have after I’ve finished a bout of writing! Check it out here on this awesome blog:

I know that feeling. I almost always crave something sweet after I do a lot of writing. Oh, who am I kidding? After, before, during. Thank you so much for sharing about your book today!

You can learn more about The Doors and Alice J. Black below:


The Doors on Fire & Ice YA

The Doors on Amazon UK

The Doors on Amazon US

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